Sunday, November 23, 2014

NAME: Oneil Nick Paira
DURATION: November 17-21, 2014
COMPANY NAME: STI College Zamboanga
WEEK #: 2
What are your Accomplishments for the Week?
1)    I was able to complete my OJT Requirements and ready to be deployed.
2)    I already undergo on interview with Sir Al and Ma’am Divine.
3)    I was able to comply my task given to me by ma’am Gaile to re-arrange the bulletin board of our department
4)    I was able to re-design the bulletin board of the Research Club
What did you learned for the Week?
1)    I learned how to be productive everyday
2)    I learned what is the feeling when your in an interview
How do you intend to apply your learning for the Week?
1)    It will help me when I apply work in real life.
2)    It will also gain experience on how to manage your time.
3)    It will help me to be more confident on answering the questions during the interview.

Prepared by:
Approved by:

Oneil Nick F. Paira

Aldimin A. Kalli

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